Weekly astrology forecast

We are facing a calm week, inspiring us for creativity and generating ideas about the future. End of Mars retrograde is the main event of the week. It means that we will soon be able to un-pause all our projects and activities!
Today is a great day for insights and reflections of your future from a different angle. Mercury-Uranus trine will give you creative ideas and will help to change focus which may be very useful!
Mars is still retrograde and trines Venus. Prepare for turbulence in your love relationships. It’s good to do sports and arts together. The energy of the day will be favorable for that.
On January 10th the Moon will be void for more than 10 hours! Check out which part of the day it will be in your time zone - use MoonX VOC calendar for this. If most of the void-of-course Moon falls on the active part of the day ( it can even be January 9th in your location), try not to plan anything important. just continue with your current tasks and meditate on that day.
You may want more communication today. Be careful selecting the words to make sure your companions understand you correctly.
Probably, the most awaited astrological event of the week: Mars ends its retrograde. Finally we can prepare to launch our new projects and plans. We can effectively apply our energy and feel calmer and more peaceful.
Sun-Neptune sextile picks up the energy of direct Mars and promises us a calm psychological background. Nice romantic encounters are possible during this period. Today people with working intuition are especially sensitive to those around them, tend to sympathize and pick up on the moods invisible to the others. The day is wonderful as we will be full of inspiration and new creative ideas!


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