On July 21, 2024, we will witness the second consecutive Full Moon in Capricorn. Capricorn is associated with discipline, structure, ambition, and achievement. Two consecutive Full Moons in this sign amplify these themes, pushing us to bring order to our lives and take a more serious approach to our goals.
On the other hand, the Full Moon is often associated with culmination and completion. The first Full Moon may have marked the beginning of the end of a certain project or situation, while the second Full Moon provides an opportunity to reassess and finally complete what was started.
The sextile to Neptune eases the overall difficult position of the Moon in Capricorn. Despite the severity of Capricorn, Neptune's influence makes this period softer and more supportive. It will be easier for us to find understanding and support among our loved ones, helping us cope with emotional stress. The conjunction with retrograde Pluto suggests situations requiring a complete reset and rebirth may arise. These situations may have roots in the past, creating an opportunity for deep transformation and release from old patterns. The trine to Mars, which recently moved into Gemini, creates an interesting situation through the signs. Although the aspect is still exact by degrees, Capricorn and Gemini symbolically form a quincunx — a challenging aspect requiring adaptation and flexibility. This brings a small surge of energy and determination, helping to tackle tasks, but it requires attention to detail and the ability to find compromises. The trine to Uranus brings unexpected but positive changes. Be ready for sudden insights and new opportunities that may arise unexpectedly and guide you on a new path.
This Full Moon at 29 degrees Capricorn will particularly resonate with those who have Ascendant or Sun signs between 27-29 degrees of the next signs: ♈️ Aries and ♎️ Libra individuals might find themselves confronted with significant turning points, prompting reevaluation and adjustment. ♉️ Taurus and ♍️ Virgo, this Full Moon could bring rewarding opportunities, offering a chance to solidify plans and achieve tangible results. ♋️ Cancer natives may feel a deep emotional pull, presenting a powerful moment to understand and integrate personal insights.
🌕 Reevaluate Goals: Let the Moonlight reveal your true desires. 🗂 Organize: To find order within, create it around you. 💞 Seek Support: Turn to a loved one, for together we are stronger than alone.
❌ Ignoring Changes: Changes will occur even if you try to ignore them, but it is better to prepare for them. 🚫 Rushing Decisions: Patience breeds wisdom. ⚠️ Neglecting Intuition: Intuition is your inner guide. Always.
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