Content Highlights
We are anticipating the Full Moon, and that means it's time for our traditional fresh content selection. Symbolically, this second consecutive Full Moon falls under the sign of Capricorn, and the ruler of this sign, Saturn, is associated with traditions.
Let’s start with a video from the Manifest Infos channel, which reveals the secrets of the Full Moon Manifestation Portal and helps attract what you desire into your life. Here, you'll find information on various rituals you can perform during the Full Moon, including charging your crystals, the Full Moon Bath Ritual, and setting intentions.
To synchronize with the energy of the Full Moon's conjunction with Pluto Retrograde, we invite you to a guided meditation by Jenny & Seth, sound alchemists and intuitive guides for Personal Transformation.
We suggest reinforcing the second consecutive Full Moon in Capricorn with the second guided meditation from our selection by The Psychic Soul Meditations.
Join Carla Aspesberger to strengthen your discipline and develop a sense of inner strength and mental clarity through a special breathing technique.
We invite you to perform the poses from the video by Black Yogi Nico Marie, which help activate the Solar Plexus, providing the drive and will to move forward, especially relevant during the Buck Moon.
The following 15-minute yoga sequence by JaeAlissa also includes a set of affirmations at the end of the video to help you better align with the energy of this Full Moon.
We couldn't overlook this inspiring video on herbs by forest witch Alwyn Oak. Gardening is not only directly connected with the energies of Saturn but is also widely used as a calming and stabilizing therapeutic and meditative method.
Concluding our selection with a sound bath by Travis and Healing Vibrations, designed to strengthen your ambitions and drive towards achieving your goals.
May these rituals, meditations, and practices guide you in harnessing the Full Moon's transformative energy. Wishing you a harmonious and enlightening lunar experience.

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