Weekly astrology forecast
Lion's Gate Peak, Venus transit and Full Moon in Aquarius awaits us this week.
The harmonious aspect between the loving Venus and the dreamy Neptune is great for romantic situations. This is truly a magical time. We feel pleasure most fully, and we see the very best in people. Tension releases, helping us relax and enjoy conversations and time with loved ones.
It’s calling us to release old installations that have been building up over generations. On this day, we are clearing off fears, shame and other restrictions, encouraging ourselves to cultivate new energy.
It’s a difficult aspect. Strong feelings, petty quarrels in relationships and social manipulation are possible. There may be feelings of being used and fears of betrayal. Try to feel these sensations and let them go through physical activities.
This transit helps to overcome fears and remove obstacles. Feeling our heart, we open ourselves to our true desires. This is a great period for participation in social events, self-expression, relaxation. Don't be afraid to stand out and let yourself feel special.
Leo as an individual sign comes into conflict with Aquarius, who prefers a team game. Along with this, the square of Saturn and Uranus adds even more intensity to the Full Moon. Avoid spending a lot of time trying to understand and explain your feelings now - this Full Moon highlights our most intense emotions and circumstances.

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