January Full Moon

On January 7, 2023, we will again be able to observe the full Moon in the sky. The first full Moon of the year is in the lunar mansion, the sign of Cancer, sensual and deep. Full Moon energy Let's not beat around the bush, but be direct: the current full Moon creates a period of increased emotionality, contradictions and instability. While in the mansion, each of the planets' qualities come to the fore in a disproportionate way—perhaps you already feel it! The Moon is responsible for our emotions and feelings and now influences us especially strongly. It exposes our soul and can perhaps turn it inside out. It must be understood that we can use this energy for our own good. This full Moon is auspicious ❤️ Working with feelings The energy Cancer gives off is the perfect embodiment of the instinct of self-preservation. People who are Cancers are good at protecting others, precisely because they can imagine themselves in other people's shoes. Try a meditation that unfolds your emotions, have an honest conversation with yourself, write down what you feel in a diary, or take notes on your phone. Remember that showing feelings and setting boundaries is safe. 👩‍👧‍👦 Spending time with loved ones People in the sign of Cancer of course have loved ones, and these loved ones must play an active role in their life for them to feel contented and relaxed. Of course, they maintain a variety of social contacts: they discuss ideas with colleagues, spend cozy evenings with loved ones and meet friends for coffee. Do not close yourself off from social interactions and try to spend your time in a way that makes you feel at ease: perhaps it is time to resolve problems you had with people in the past. 🙏 Giving thanks and being charitable The Full Moon in Cancer is a great time to make the world a little kinder. Cancers are good-natured and never miss a chance to express their feelings, especially the feeling of gratitude. Around the time of New Year's we all get a feeling of anticipation of a miracle—and we can make an effort ourselves if we want it to happen! Give a stranger a sincere compliment, wish the bus driver a nice day, donate unwanted items, or take an animal from a shelter for a walk. In astrology, the Moon personifies the kind and abundant mother who unconditionally loves us. Share this love! 🏘 Creating a comfortable environment Cancers love their home and more than anyone else, they need a sacred space that is tailored to their needs in terms of comfort and coziness. In case you suddenly feel the desire to withdraw, make sure you know a place that brings you a sense of calm. It can be your favorite cafe since childhood, a library or a nightclub—what's important is that you feel good! It may be a cliche, but it is important to understand that the energy Cancer gives off does not necessarily mean a family home, it is about a place where we can be ourselves! Things to be careful about and to avoid 🎭 Unnecessary drama The full Moon in a water sign is a time when emotions suddenly become hard to deal with, everyone is on edge and feelings can get hurt. Be ready to forgive, and what's more important, anticipate your own emotional outbursts! Cry, be offended, live and feel, but if something difficult happens to you, stay strong and remember that everything will pass! 🙅 Negativity Maintaining peace of mind during the Full Moon in Cancer can be difficult. It is a time of deep reflection and emotionally powerful experiences. Try to stay optimistic and postpone important decisions and taking action until later. In case you find yourself in an acute conflict situation, don't be afraid to show weakness or make a mistake—intuition will tell you the right direction, and intuition is especially strong during this full Moon! The January full Moon is a difficult period for all signs, but especially for representatives of water and earth signs. By the way, most MoonX users are Cancers. Thank you for your trust and openness, and have a happy lunar return!
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What is the difference between lunar and daylight hours?
Lunar tips and day characteristics in the app are based on lunar days, which can sometimes differ from calendar days. This is because lunar days are determined by the position of the Moon, and they can change independently of calendar days (daylight hours). So, you can read a horoscope for one lunar day and when you check it later, it may change to the next lunar day. Since sometimes the change of lunar day can happen in the middle of the daylight hours. This is the normal behavior of the app, and it is designed to give you unique and personalized information for each lunar day. If you have any specific questions or concerns about horoscope readings, feel free to let us know and we'll do our best to help you further!
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