Retrograde Saturn in Pisces is a sign from the Universe that it’s time to examine all the pain points in your life. Pisces, as we know, prefer to swim in their imagination and dream of the unattainable, but retrograde Saturn will firmly stand in the way of all these castles in the air.
In life, Saturn is the voice that reminds you of deadlines, obligations, and responsibilities. It doesn't let you relax and points out all the aspects we would rather ignore. But don't see Saturn as purely negative. It also symbolizes growth and the achievement of goals. By going through the challenges it sets, we become stronger and wiser. Saturn will be retrograde from June 29 to November 15. Saturn is retrograde 40% of the year, so there's no need to fear this period. Of course, old unresolved issues may resurface. However, retrograde Saturn doesn’t necessarily bring trouble. Rather, it gives you a chance for deep self-analysis and understanding. Maybe you’ve been ignoring something or hoping that difficulties would disappear on their own, but you won’t be able to avoid responsibility. This is the time to address all the "skeletons in the closet" and bring order to your life. Retrograde Saturn is a time when karma becomes particularly palpable. Pay attention to recurring situations and challenges. Fears that you’ve been ignoring will surface again, demanding your attention. They will no longer hide in the dark corners of your subconscious, and you’ll have to deal with them. Also, consider your excessive attraction to certain people or situations. If you are constantly drawn to the same problematic relationships or scenarios, retrograde Saturn will help you see this from a new perspective. Perhaps it’s time to finally learn the lessons and stop running in circles?
August 16, 2024 – Mars square Saturn. This clash of energies can cause feelings of frustration and slowdowns. Your ambitions may face obstacles, requiring patience and perseverance. August 19, 2024 – Jupiter square Saturn. This is a time when Jupiter's optimism and expansion clash with Saturn's realism and limitations. You may need to revise big plans and projects to make them more realistic and achievable. October 28, 2024 – Venus square Saturn. This aspect can cause tension in relationships and make you reassess your values and attachments. It’s a time to evaluate the true worth of your connections and eliminate toxic elements.
Periods of retrograde Saturn are a great time for a thorough cleanup of your discipline and goals. Harmonizing your natal Saturn now will help you not only deal with its harsh lessons but also learn to live with wisdom. Determine which sign your Saturn is in your natal chart (Astrology -> Natal Chart) and use the following recommendations. If your Saturn is in the sign… ♈ Aries – Saturn typically tests your patience and planning ability. Focus on developing patience and self-control, buy a beautiful planner, and plan your tasks in it. Channel any impulsive energy into productive outlets. ♉ Taurus – Master a technique of mindful relaxation, such as progressive muscle relaxation, and regularly change your routine. Flexibility and willingness to adapt will help you cope with Saturn’s hits to your comfort zone and stability. ♊ Gemini – Enroll in courses for deep study of a subject and use the Pomodoro technique to improve concentration. Overcome the tendency to approach things superficially. Saturn demands attentiveness and depth from you. ♋ Cancer – Saturn tests you when emotional swings occur in your life. Keep an emotion journal and practice meditation to strengthen your inner stability. ♌ Leo – Engage in volunteer activities and praise others more often for their achievements. Humility and responsibility will help you cope with Saturn’s challenges, which loves to test your pride and ego. ♍ Virgo – Develop selflessness and set reasonable deadlines. Accepting yourself and letting go of perfectionism will help you when Saturn starts challenging your pursuit of perfection. ♎ Libra – Learn to listen to others, engage in dance or team sports. Saturn usually tests your ability to find balance and negotiate. ♏ Scorpio – Go through therapy or coaching to work on trust and letting go of control, practice breathing techniques. Saturn appears in your life to remind you that control is just an illusion. ♐ Sagittarius – Set long-term goals and break them down into small steps, travel, and explore new cultures. Patience and resilience are your indispensable helpers, as Saturn wants to wean you off excessive carelessness. ♑ Capricorn – Include relaxation in your busy schedule and set clear boundaries between work and personal life. Balance between hard work and rest will help you avoid burnout when Saturn starts its testing. ♒ Aquarius – Engage in projects that benefit society and create new traditions. Saturn’s lesson for you is to find a balance between innovation and customs. ♓ Pisces – Keep a budget and plan your finances, engage in crafts or gardening. Realism and practicality will help you avoid escaping reality when Saturn demands practical actions.
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