A pivotal moment approaches: the Capricorn Full Moon on June 22, 2024. This lunar event marks a turning point in our personal and professional journeys, beckoning us to re-evaluate our goals, ambitions, and sense of responsibility.
The Capricorn Full Moon, with its emphasis on structure, discipline, and ambition, sets the tone for a period of focused effort. But the astrological landscape doesn't stop there. Shortly after, on June 29, Saturn, the planetary ruler of Capricorn, will retrograde through the dreamy realm of Pisces, offering a chance for introspection and growth. This alignment prompts us to reflect on the intentions set during the Capricorn New Moon in January, and guides us to make adjustments for the second half of the year. Embrace this time to reassess priorities, refine workflows, and commit to long-term goals under the Moon's illuminating glow.
The Moon in Capricorn is in detriment and it’s not the easiest position for the luminary since it opposes the sign of Cancer ruled by the Moon. But let's take a closer look at its energies through the aspects of this summer Full Moon.
With Mercury and Venus standing in opposition to the Full Moon, communication, matters of love, relationships, and harmony may take center stage during this lunar phase. Expect increased mental activity and vibrant ideas, but be cautious of potential misunderstandings. Take time to express yourself clearly and precisely. Though tensions may arise in partnerships, view this as an opportunity to deepen connections and address underlying issues. Embrace diplomacy and compromise to navigate through any relationship challenges gracefully.
Mars forms a harmonious trine with the Full Moon, infusing us with a surge of energy, motivation, and drive. This aspect encourages determination to dare to discern your goals and plans responsibly. Use the fiery energy of Mars to overcome inner doubts about the value of your success and the realization of your ambitions.
The square between Neptune and the Full Moon introduces an element of mystery and illusion to the lunar phase. Beware of potential confusion, deception, or disillusionment during this time. Stay grounded in reality and trust your intuition to discern between truth and illusion. Use this aspect as an opportunity for spiritual exploration and inner reflection.
This phase of the Moon occurs at 1 degree 06 minutes of Capricorn. So, for those with Ascendants or Sun between 1-6 degrees may feel these cosmic energies with greater intensity. So, early ♈️ Aries and ♎️ Libras may face some challenges. Conversely, early ♉️ Taureans and ♍️ Virgos may benefit from the favorable flow of energy of this Full Moon. Early ♋️ Cancers are offered to ride the emotional swings of this Full Moon. But remember even with the seemingly tense aspects and challenges, with Capricorn's unwavering determination and commitment to success, there's no mountain too high for us to conquer.
✅ Practicing self-compassion ✅ Cultivating patience ✅ Embracing rituals in your routine ✅ Scheduling a solo retreat ✅ Investing in a mentorship ✅ Reassessing and focusing 🚫 Succumbing to pessimism 🚫 Dwelling on past failures 🚫 Relying solely on external approval 🚫 Rushing into decisions: in career or finances 🚫 Ignoring intuition 🚫 Overworking This Full Moon urges us to level up and embrace maturity and responsibility in our lives. It's time to stop playing small and start living our best lives.


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