The New Moon in Gemini on June 6, 2024, invites us to explore the duality of this versatile sign. Let's study the energies of this period in more detail, so we can understand what awaits us on both sides of the Moon and how to turn this time into enjoyable heart-to-heart conversations.
Mercury, the ruler of Gemini, known for its curiosity, adaptability, and love of communication, encourages us to explore new ideas, engage in stimulating conversations, and embrace the diversity of perspectives. This New Moon urges us to expand our horizons through learning and exploration. The conjunction with Venus at this New Moon may heighten our desire for dating and love adventures. However, remember about the duality of Gemini and don't rush into fully embracing the charm and beauty of new acquaintances' words. The New Moon's square to responsible and disciplined Saturn suggests that every new acquaintance should stand the test of time. So, maintaining harmony between thinking and feeling is crucial. With the energies of this New Moon it will be a great time to make out your plans, especially in the areas of learning, dating, negotiations, sales, business trips, and domestic travel. Additionally, this New Moon in Gemini makes a sextile to the North Node, calling us to go on a personal inner adventure to master new experiences. Be an observant and diligent student to pick up on the Universe's favorable clues. Remember that the New Moon is the time for planning, not action. Allow time to adjust to the new phase as there isn't much energy in space yet.
♒️ Aquarians and ♎️ Libra will be swirled in a pleasant whirl and vortex of social connections, learning and harmonious entrepreneurial plans. ♓ Pisces and ♏️ Scorpio may be challenged by feelings of personal loneliness or overly intense socializing. ♐️ Sagittarians will have to find balance amidst the chaos of their restless wanderings and adventurous spirit. The New Moon opposition calls for stability and reliance on inner ideas and meanings. This phase of the Moon occurs at 16 degrees 17 minutes of Gemini. So, for those with Ascendants or Sun between 12 to 20 degrees range of these signs, may feel these cosmic challenges with greater intensity.
✅ Connecting with others through social media or networking events ✅ Juggling multiple tasks if you're keen on trying different endeavors ✅ Expressing yourself creatively through art and public speaking ✅ Writing your thoughts and insights in a freewriting technique ✅ Painting pictures by numbers, beading, vogue dancing 🚫 Getting caught up in gossip or trivial matters 🚫 Overthinking or becoming overly analytical 🚫 Being overly impulsive or making rash decisions 🚫 Deliberately breaking promises made 🚫 Engaging in heated arguments that may lead to conflicts Remember the duality of Gemini and embrace different points of view. After all, the truth may lie somewhere in the middle. Fill your interactions with others with beauty. Wishing you a harmonious New Moon as pleasant as Venus and light as the Air Element Mercury.
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