Meditations in Spanish

We are excited to announce that our meditations are now available in Spanish. We have translated our most popular meditation cycle and added 5 additional meditations so that you can enjoy them in your native language.
You can find these meditations in the Recommended Collections in the app. If you have set your language to Spanish, a special icon will appear on the meditations available in Spanish.
We would like to extend our special thanks to those who helped us create these meditations:
Fernando Miguel Cañizales Hernández - a holistic therapist and musician-composer with over 27 years of experience. He combines deep knowledge in energy therapy and emotional intelligence with exceptional musical talent, creating personalized music for meditation and relaxation.
Jazmín Estrella Lira González - a passionate dancer and Hatha Yoga teacher. She has merged her knowledge in physical and mental wellness, creating the innovative program "Physical Conditioning, Strength and Flexibility with Body Awareness."
This is just the beginning! We are committed to continuing the localization of our audio content. Your feedback is important to us, so please let us know your thoughts and suggestions.

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