Taurus Season
From April 19th to May 20th, Taurus season invites us to ground ourselves in the tangible pleasures of life while nurturing our inner strength and resilience. As the Sun gracefully transitions into Taurus, the zodiac enters a period marked by stability, sensuality, and steadfast determination.
Ruled by Venus, this period emphasizes sensuality, determination, and a desire for security, prompting us to seek stability in our finances, possessions, and emotional connections. While it celebrates love, beauty, and abundance, it can also bring about stubbornness, possessiveness and resistance to change.
For the next four weeks it is essential to balance the desire for stability and comfort with the need for growth, flexibility, and emotional fulfillment during Taurus season.
You are particularly addicted to various pleasures and comforts. You may have a strong focus on building stability and security in your life, especially in areas of health and physical activity, finances, and possessions. Despite your love of stability, you may be quicker and more emotional in their decision making and actions than Taurus in 11 — 20 degrees.
You are true lovers of cleanliness and order, not necessarily by your own efforts. You may exhibit traits such as being more focused on research, note-taking, and presenting a perfectionist front compared to their counterparts in the first decade. You are likely to be meticulous, and prone to perfectionism.
You may be more success-driven, focused on achievements, and motivated by titles and accolades. Tend to be hard-working, ambitious, and inclined towards a more free-spirited lifestyle. You are known for your curiosity, wit, and social nature, often engaging in banter and debates while prioritizing knowledge and experiences over peace and stability.
For a deeper understanding of the energy of Taurus, we suggest you watch the inspiring movie "The Great Gatsby", and read Elizabeth Gilbert's bestselling memoir "Eat Pray Love".
"The Great Gatsby" is based on the novel of the same name written by F. Scott Fitzgerald. This movie captures the essence of comfort, celebration of love, and appreciation for beauty, which resonate well with Taurus energy. The film's themes align with Taurus' love for sensual experiences and the comforts of home.
"Eat Pray Love". After a painful divorce, Liz sets out on a year-long trip around the world. In Italy, she indulges in the pleasures of food and sensuality, embracing the Taurus theme of enjoying life's simple pleasures. Throughout her journey, Gilbert grapples with the desire for stability and security, and finds solace in nature, whether it's the lush landscapes of Bali or the tranquil ashrams of India. Her journey serves as a poignant reminder to find balance between the material and spiritual aspects of existence.
Spend time outdoors, go for walks in nature, or tend to a garden. Treat yourself to massages, baths, or other pampering activities that help you relax and rejuvenate. Enjoy good food. Settle into routines that bring you comfort and security. Allow the Taurus season to appreciate the aesthetics of your surroundings and find joy in the simple pleasures of life.

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