Jupiter’s retrograde voyage is on the horizon, urging us to turn our explorer's gaze from the vast universe to the vastness of our inner selves. Dive deep with us, as we chart this celestial event in 2023. Jupiter goes retrograde approximately 125 days each year. In 2023, Jupiter is retrograde from September 4 to December 30. Jupiter is the planet of growth, abundance, and expansion, so we can name it the eternal explorer. During its retrograde, Jupiter’s journey turns inward, suggesting that what we're searching for lies within ourselves.
Ever felt the gentle caress of velvet or savored a bite of exquisite chocolate? That's Taurus energy. So, Jupiter retrograde in Taurus provides an opportunity to reconsider how we expand and grow in the tangible realms of life.
Realign with Core Values: Dive deep. What truly drives your choices? Now's the time to contemplate and adjust. Recheck the wallet: Financial contemplation is key. Any spending sprees gone amiss? Revise, reset, and relaunch your fiscal goals. Savor Slow Progress: While Jupiter's speed is awe-inspiring, its Taurus retrograde encourages deliberate strides. Remember, the most majestic trees grow slowly.
Mindful spending challenge: For 30 days, jot down every penny spent. At month's end, you'll gain clarity on your spending habits vs. values. Value-based journaling: Start a journal where you note down daily actions that align with your values. Reflect on how these choices made you feel and how they contribute to your sense of purpose. Material declutter: Given the introspective energy of the retrograde, it’s an opportune time to declutter your space. As you let go of items, ponder on their material and emotional value, and how simplifying can bring clarity. Luxury in simplicity: Relish in life's simpler moments. A warming tea, the rustle of leaves, a shared laugh – these are life's true luxuries. In essence, Jupiter retrograde in Taurus is about grounding your expansion. It's an invitation to grow, but in ways that are sustainable, genuine, and aligned with your true values. It's less about external abundance and more about recognizing the richness that already exists within and around you.


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