End of Venus Retrograde

Breaking free from its retrograde slumber on September 4th, Venus concludes its reflective journey that began on July 23rd. This period has been all about taking a step back and reflecting. It's like a cosmic cleaning, bringing old experiences and past relationships to the forefront.
During its backward dance through the Leo sign, Venus has sparked some important questions: What do we truly want from love? How does our financial situation align with our desires? Who and what do we value? It might have even rekindled old interests and hobbies, reminding us of the good times. Remember how we encouraged you to think things over and make decisions before September 4th? Well, now it's time to revisit those thoughts. Take a moment to analyze your feelings about love, finances, and what truly matters to you. These insights could be pretty handy moving forward. ❤️ The love department was a bit tricky during this time. Now, with a clearer head, you can see where your heart truly lies. If those feelings are still there, great! No more cloudy judgment or illusions about relationships. 💇🏽 If you followed our advice, you likely sidestepped impulsive spending and dramatic makeovers. Now, the shopping and beauty exploration can resume. Think about what you really want. Maybe the price has changed, or your desires have shifted? ✍🏽 Tell us in the comments what this Venus retrograde brought your way. Did old flames pop up? Maybe your exes appeared on the horizon? Did you consider getting that tattoo? Or did you cook up some cool ideas for improving your finances? Share in the comment below!
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