On March 20, 2024 we will feel a special atmosphere of lightness in the air, because on this day we will meet the Spring Equinox. Nature begins to wake up after a long winter, delighting us with hope and giving us energy for new beginnings.
The Spring equinox has been celebrated for centuries and represents more than just the first day of spring for many reasons. It has come to symbolize rebirth, fertility and new beginnings. You can celebrate this special day by enhancing its energy with some rituals that will not only help you feel inspired, but also develop mindfulness.
Give life to something new! Your choice of either planting any seed (such as a flower or vegetable) or taking the first steps to realize your own project.
The influence of flavors on our mental and physical health is described in Ayurveda. Sour foods, such as citrus fruits and vinegar, will help to energize your brain activity, as well as sharpen your senses and enhance perception. The primary action of sour flavors is grounding. Positive emotional states associated with sour include gratitude, understanding, groundedness, and confidence.
What could be better than getting up on the day of the Spring Equinox and greeting the Sun and being infused with its energy? Set your alarm clock for the time of dawn. Smile at the new day and stretch your arms, welcoming the spring rays of the sun with all your being. You can learn more about this practice in our video exercise Surya Namaskar.
Today is a great day to cleanse the energetic space of your home with the help of the four elements. The day before, leave some salt in the corners of the rooms. The next day remove this salt with a broom or vacuum cleaner. Then wash the floors with salt water, airing out the rooms, walk through each room with a burning candle in a clockwise direction. Use the mentioned rituals to feel the full depth of this magical day. May the Spring Equinox provide you with solar energy for the whole year, fill you up for new beginnings and point the way to a bright future!
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