Aries Season

March 21 through April 20, the Sun enters the bright impulsive, and active sign of Aries.
The Aries season begins on the day of the Spring Equinox, which is undoubtedly the most powerful and energetic day of the year - and that says a lot about Aries themselves. During this period, we will feel a surge of strength and energy, it will be easier to take initiative and responsibility, and it will be easy to make decisions thanks to Aries' tenacity, energy and confidence. Ruled by Mars, Aries wants to demonstrate its ability to compete and fight for its place under the Sun. In addition, Aries embodies renewal, making any losses and hurdles seem less dangerous and difficult. Also Mars gives all Aries willpower, determination, assertiveness, physical strength, and the urge to act. Using the aggressiveness of Mars for constructive purposes you can achieve a lot, because such people inspire confidence and faith in their abilities. For the next four weeks we will want to conquer new heights, be active in all spheres of life, and in controversial situations to defend our position and protect our interests.
Aries of the first degrees are the most fearless determined, and enterprising. You are people of boundless energy, with a strong desire to act and achieve your goals. Such Aries are able to motivate anyone to reach new heights. Sometimes you are overly persistent on the way to your goal, and others around you do not keep up, and sometimes you seem overly impulsive. Nevertheless, you are a source of inspiration, strength, and motivation for others. The influence of Mars, the ruler of all Aries, is strongest on you, so people may look to you for protection, and you have a strong desire to stand up for, achieve, and fight for your ideals.
If your Sun is in 11-20 degrees of Aries, you have strong leadership qualities and are ambitious. You easily gain authority and have organizational and managerial talent, which makes you a little more consistent in your actions and flexible. You easily assimilate new information and have a bright personality and imagination. Although you have a healthy amount of selfishness, you can genuinely empathize and always come to the rescue, sharing your resources with those in need.
Aries whose Sun is at 21-30 degrees combines discipline self-control, and responsibility. You are able to think ahead, and are more assiduous and patient, which helps you see things through to completion. You are more sociable, because you know how to direct your energy and defend your interests not too vigorously, you like to learn about the world and the people around you. You have a strong desire to educate yourself and gain new knowledge.
In order to get a deeper feel for the energy of Aries, we suggest you watch the motivating and inspiring movie "Peaceful Warrior", and read the book “We are the Wildcats” by Siobhan Vivian The "Peaceful Warrior," based on Dan Millman's semi-autobiographical novel "Way of the Peaceful Warrior," tells the story of a young athlete's spiritual journey towards understanding and personal growth, guided by a mysterious mentor. This narrative aligns intriguingly with Aries energy when considering the blend of martial prowess and inner development. "We Are the Wildcats" by Siobhan Vivian is a compelling young adult novel that captures the spirit of teamwork, determination, and the challenges of coming of age. The story revolves around a high school field hockey team, the Wildcats, over a 24-hour period. It delves into themes of loyalty, empowerment, and standing up against authority when it misuses its power. Allow the Aries fire to fill you with vitality, optimism, enthusiasm and energy for new accomplishments, self-belief, and aspirations for a bright future. This is a time to follow the impulse of your heart, behind its desires, take responsibility for yourself and your life in your own hands and gain inner strength as well as faith in your abilities.
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What is the difference between lunar and daylight hours?
Lunar tips and day characteristics in the app are based on lunar days, which can sometimes differ from calendar days. This is because lunar days are determined by the position of the Moon, and they can change independently of calendar days (daylight hours). So, you can read a horoscope for one lunar day and when you check it later, it may change to the next lunar day. Since sometimes the change of lunar day can happen in the middle of the daylight hours. This is the normal behavior of the app, and it is designed to give you unique and personalized information for each lunar day. If you have any specific questions or concerns about horoscope readings, feel free to let us know and we'll do our best to help you further!
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