Weekly Astrological Forecast

This week is all about getting real with ourselves and those around us. Perhaps it's time to peel back the layers and engage in some authentic, no-holds-barred conversations - the cosmic energy is certainly on our side, especially as we approach mid-week.
Sun conjunct Neptune is often associated with heightened sensitivity, creativity, and a strong connection to the mystical or spiritual realms. Under the influence of this aspect it tends to blur the boundaries between the conscious and the unconscious, the material and the spiritual, and the self and others. You may be more inclined to help those in need or engage in acts of kindness and selflessness. Good for: spiritual and holistic healing, music therapy, humanitarian and charity work
During the Moon trines Saturn, we can experience stability, emotional maturity, and a sense of responsibility. The Moon sextile Jupiter also brings an element of optimism, expansion, and opportunities for growth; while the Moon square Mercury indicates potential problems in communication and decision-making. This is a combination of positive and challenging influences, so finding a balance between your emotions, responsibilities, and communication is key for the day. Good for: positive affirmations, mindfulness practice, and budgeting.
When Mercury is conjunct with the North Node, it indicates that karmic emphasis is placed on developing effective communication skills and authentic self-expression. The day is favorable to reflect on past experiences and think about what lessons they have taught you and gain wisdom from them. Being open and transparent conversations, both in personal and professional relationships, can pave the way to fulfilling connections and opportunities. Good for: goal setting, financial review, watching inspiring and uplifting movies, releasing the past.
Mercury's conjunction with Chiron can heighten emotional sensitivity, making it harder to remain confident. Spotlight areas where you need to heal, learn, or deal with old wounds. Promote empathy and compassionate communication, it helps you connect with others on a deeper level. Good for: mentoring or teaching, writing a memoir.
When Venus forms a conjunction with Saturn, you may find yourself drawn to deeper and more serious relationships. You may work hard to strengthen existing partnerships or make responsible choices in matters of the heart. At the same time, the Sun sextile Pluto gives you the inner strength and resilience you need to overcome challenges and transformational experiences. Good for: emotional healing, career coaching.
Moon in opposition to Mars makes our emotions more intense; we can be impatient and feel the urge to assert ourselves. This can lead to impulsiveness if emotions are not managed. Reveal areas where you need to balance your feelings and assertiveness, and find constructive ways to direct your energy. As Mars moves into Pisces it is very hard to concentrate on work matters, this is due to the influence of Pisces who need to have motivation to start taking action. Good for: physical activities, emotional detox.
The Moon opposite Saturn helps us find a middle ground between sharing our feelings and managing daily tasks. At the same time, its opposite Venus shows a struggle between wanting comfort and needing emotional depth. The Moon in trine to Jupiter will provide a good foundation for being generous with both one's resources and one's willingness to help others. Socializing and connecting with friends and loved ones at this time can be especially rewarding. Good for: time management, gratitude journaling, romantic dinner, enjoying the arts. From ethereal sunlit realms to grounding lunar embraces, each alignment holds transformative potential. Yet, amidst the cosmic dance, challenges emerge, urging clarity and revealing fateful encounters. Are you ready to unravel the mysteries of the stars?
We received numerous personal inquiries, all of which we diligently addressed in our responses. However, for our column, we opted for broader topics, like ideal gifts for Aries or the distinctions between astrological aspects such as trines and squares. Consequently, we selected a question regarding the impact of Schumann resonances.
The topic of the question proved to be quite expansive, prompting us to devote an entire article to it — find it below. So, we will be glad to receive new questions in the comments!
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What is the difference between lunar and daylight hours?
Lunar tips and day characteristics in the app are based on lunar days, which can sometimes differ from calendar days. This is because lunar days are determined by the position of the Moon, and they can change independently of calendar days (daylight hours). So, you can read a horoscope for one lunar day and when you check it later, it may change to the next lunar day. Since sometimes the change of lunar day can happen in the middle of the daylight hours. This is the normal behavior of the app, and it is designed to give you unique and personalized information for each lunar day. If you have any specific questions or concerns about horoscope readings, feel free to let us know and we'll do our best to help you further!
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You have several ways to log in to your account through: Google account, Apple ID, Email and Facebook. In order not to lose your profile data (tarot history, calendar, notes, etc.), it's important to use and remember your way of logging in to your account on another device, for example. Also, your registration in the application is automatic after filling out your profile data. You can see your ID if you click on the "Sign in with Apple" button, which is the same as registering your profile data. In the same window, you can log out of your account and then log in with the same ID. But it is important that your profile information is saved, otherwise you will have to re-enter it when you sign in again.
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