Weekly Astrological Forecast

As part of the Astrological Weekly Forecast, we will post an answer of one of your question. Simply submit your questions in the comments below this article. Don't forget to browse through the questions others have asked and like the ones you find most intriguing or relevant. Based on your likes, we'll select a question that resonates with many of you and provide a detailed answer in our upcoming forecast. Please note, this section is designed for broad, engaging discussions rather than detailed personal astrological consultations based on your natal chart.
The week opens with the New Moon in Pisces. Under the influence of this energy, you can dive deep into your subconsciousness and work on accepting and forgiving yourself.
The energy of Mercury in Aries enhances the speed of thinking and increases communication skills. And the Mercury-Pluto sextile shows that you are able to communicate with a lot of people. But disputants may become more intolerant. So, it is important to train self-control and the ability to listen to others. Note that this is the day of the New Moon in Pisces. Time to start something new. You can read more about this in our special article. Good for: going to a party or gathering friends, launching creative projects.
When Venus is in Pisces, empathy, a sense of beauty, and feeling of love increase. Remember that people can fascinate you and not fall into illusions in relationships. You may experience an increased desire for contacts. Be careful with your investments. Money can come to you from creative projects. Good for: communication with pleasant and interesting people, creativity, and helping others.
In general, the day is filled with positive energy and activity. On the one hand, you may be in no hurry to make contact with new people. Because you want to keep everything under control and understand who you are dealing with. On the other hand, your increased charm and your tendency to be delicate and responsive draws people striving to communicate with you. Good for: dating and communicating with acquaintances and friends.
This day can be considered promising and successful. Today you can win over anyone, gain trust, and get support. If you have had old conflicts, you can resolve them and make peace. Although generally beneficial, Jupiter's influence may cause exaggerated emotions. Also, today you may want more pleasure and comfort than usual. Good for: networking, unconventional choices, impromptu adventures, relationship check-in.
This day is ambiguous, as the Moon forms contradictory aspects. Moon-Mars square and Moon-Uranus conjunction can make you hot-tempered and irritable, so try to control your emotions. On the other hand, Moon-Sun and Moon-Neptune sextiles provide support from the environment and the opportunity to restore inner harmony. On this day surround yourself with the most positive people! Good for: creativity, dancing, relaxation practices.
The Moon-Pluto trine and Moon-Mercury sextile fill you with magnetism, make you more sociable, and allow you to cope with routine matters quickly. However, the Moon-Venus square may tempt you to act too proper and reserved to keep others happy. But it’s better to choose the right environment than to adapt to those who are not on the same page with you. Good for: working with communication skills and adequate expression of emotions, performing techniques of acceptance and self-forgiveness.
On this day, intuition and creativity, empathy and trust in people increase. You may feel that you have become more compassionate and sentimental, and may start to be interested in esotericism, psychology, and art. Since on this day you tend to rely on others, surround yourself only with the most trusted people. Good for: creativity, esotericism, psychology, meditation, work with strengthening intuition, a romantic evening with your loved one. Accept this week's energy with gratitude and change something in your life on the New Moon on March 10th.
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