Weekly Astrological Forecast

Although at the beginning of the week you may need to control your emotions, overall the week is promising. You may even advance your career or realize some plans easier than expected.
Your feelings and desires may be unstable. Moreover, you may long for some variety and originality in your relationships, clothing, and appearance. The feeling of freedom in your relationship may be important too. During Mercury-Lilith opposition can lead you to the need of finding balance between rationality and emotionality to avoid quarrels with others. Good for: experiencing something new with your partner to prevent your romance from stagnation.
The Mercury-Uranus sextile can help you complete routine tasks faster using new methods, brilliant ideas, and friends support. And your sense of humor can help you get out of difficult and awkward situations. The Mars’s aspects show that through your independent activity and decisiveness, you will be able to develop and strengthen the qualities of a leader, a pioneer, a courageous and decisive personality (the North Node in Aries). Good for: spending time in the company of friends and positive like-minded people, working on projects where you can show leadership qualities.
The energies of the day fill you emotionally, instill positivity and a desire to achieve more. The emotional background is stable, and it seems that the environment supports you in realizing your plans. On this day, it is easier for you to win over, receive support, and achieve success in your work. Good for: spending time with family and taking care of your home, emotional recovery, and successful resolution of work issues.
On this day, you can achieve even unrealistic goals with the ability to quickly assess the situation and understand how to act to get the best result. Quick reaction and non-standard strategies are your path to success. Good for: solving non-standard issues and achieving complex goals.
You may feel misunderstood and face barriers to expressing yourself. But deep introspection and work on your shadow sides will help you understand and accept your hidden desires and passions, find inner harmony, and reach your full potential. Note your dark side in other people's reactions. It can become your resource for growth. Good for: working on yourself, going through self-analysis and cultivating a sense of gratitude.
The Uranus-Mars square gives a desire for independence and risk in action. Plus, this aspect increases the speed of your reaction and activity, so you can get the job done faster. Just be careful when working with electricity and machinery. The Mercury-Neptune conjunction enhances imaginative thinking and intuition. Good for: dancing, creativity, work that needs to be done quickly, but preferably alone.
Today you are incredibly endearing and gaining trust and respect. People around you may notice your originality, independence, and desire for change. You may be seen as positive and cheerful, even though you may be a little tired from the work week. Plus, Mercury moves from Pisces to Aries, and your desire to communicate may increase. Good for: trying something new to cheer yourself up and traveling. Use our information about the energies of the coming week to improve and harmonize your life and successfully implement your plans.
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What is the difference between lunar and daylight hours?
Lunar tips and day characteristics in the app are based on lunar days, which can sometimes differ from calendar days. This is because lunar days are determined by the position of the Moon, and they can change independently of calendar days (daylight hours). So, you can read a horoscope for one lunar day and when you check it later, it may change to the next lunar day. Since sometimes the change of lunar day can happen in the middle of the daylight hours. This is the normal behavior of the app, and it is designed to give you unique and personalized information for each lunar day. If you have any specific questions or concerns about horoscope readings, feel free to let us know and we'll do our best to help you further!
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