MoonX News
Enjoy the energy of the upcoming Full Moon and the latest changes of our App.
Use the Lunar cycle as a reminder to make the most of the energy available during each phase, to make progress towards your goals in a more natural and effortless way, to align your intentions and actions with the natural rhythms of the Universe.
Try out the first version of this feature. The Moon Guide will be improved and personalized in following versions. Feel free to give us feedback.
The Minor Arcana have been added. Get inspired by the images and see the tips the cards give you. Now you can also study the deck on your own, as well as understand the tarot more deeply with our articles in the Insight section. Write to us and let us know what you'd like to know more about - we'll be sure to satisfy your interest!
Thanks to each other, we have the opportunity to see what the Moon looks like in the sky from Sydney to New York City. The collection of the Moon photos you take is amazing. Each week, we'll show the Moon of the week photo that gets the most likes on the app's home screen. Upload the photo to the MoonX app photo feed and get the title of Moon Catcher!
Thank you for inspiring us - we will continue to inspire you! Full Moon blessings 🥰

Discover more fascinating insights and stay updated on all lunar events in the MoonX app.
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