Valentine's Day
Valentine's Day, it's the day we usually associate with romantic love, right? A time when people share their warm feelings with sweet gestures. But it's not just about romantic love.
Love is like a colorful quilt, made up of many different types of love and connections we have in our lives. It doesn't matter if you are flying solo, in a loving relationship, or simply taking time to appreciate the love you have for yourself and those awesome people around you. Love is a universal language and it can break down all the barriers we put up.
Valentine's Day isn't only about chocolates and roses; it can also be a wonderful time to connect with your inner self and the Universe. We have our love-centered meditations and practices all set up in the «Readings and Practices» section below. Let’s dive into those loving vibes, not just on Valentine's Day, but all year around.
We wish you a Valentine's Day filled with warmth, connection, and all the love your heart can hold.
And always remember, we love you to the Moon and back! 🌙💕

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