Weekly astrology forecast
This week we are expecting Vesta, and Pluto direct station, as well as several aspects - Mercury-Pluto Trine and Sun-Chiron Opposition.
Asteroid Vesta’s three-month Retrograde finishes in Aquarius on October 5. In Astrology, Vesta represents sacred fire within us.
Through the Retrograde we turned back to old dreams and plans. Now, with the inspiration of social Aquarius, we are happy to move forward in our careers and opportunities. It’s time to focus on your creative self-expression. Don’t hesitate to show yourself to the world!
On October 6 resourceful Pluto forms a harmonious Trine with intellectual Mercury. This aspect boosts our mental activity and communication skills.
There is a high possibility of starting a very meaningful friendship or partnership today. Make a deep-level connection with yourself and others a priority. It’s a great time to get a psychology consultation, astrology research, or tarot reading.

On October 7 Sun opposes asteroid Chiron. This aspect can uncover issues about insecurities, deep fears, self-identity, and independence.
You may feel quite vulnerable right now, especially with men in your life. Be kind to yourself and seek help if needed. It’s time to put our egos aside and heal.
Pluto stations direct on October 8. In 2022, Pluto was retrograde from April 29th to October 8th. Whenever Pluto stations direct, all the hidden power comes to the surface.
Pluto is the planet of rebirth. Now we are ready to share all the inner transformation results of the retrograde cycle with the outside world. From now on it’s easy to communicate to others your updated ideas and needs.

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