End of Mercury Retrograde
And although five more planets are still in retrograde, we will all feel a little easier starting 2 October 2022. Life gradually returns back to normal, and the way things are feels quite familiar again.
At least three times a year, we read alarming headlines about the treacherous weeks of Mercury retrograde. We learn that we must unfailingly postpone major transactions, purchases/sales of property and equipment, and rethink travel plans.
Our everyday life can be monstrously unpredictable at times: processes that we have taken years to build cease to be efficient, and unexpected delays and procrastination occur. We are not always prepared to put off our decisions for two or three weeks – which is perfectly normal. It is much more important to accumulate experience and apply it in such circumstances.
We offer you a brief practice. Try to remember the events of the past few weeks as accurately as possible: open the photo gallery on your phone, read your diary or notes, look through the list of dialogues in your messenger. You will surely find a reminder that has been meticulously left there by You from the past. Turn to your in-depth feelings and emotions: which of the situations was most meaningful to you? Analyse its causes, motives and consequences. Try to fit your conclusion into a single sentence.
This is the insight that the current retrograde wished to reveal to you. Moving backwards can be a rollback to a past state, or it can be a spiralling motion. All that matters is where your foothold is!

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