Grow Herbs and Vegetables in your Garden with the help of the Moon

If you want to grow your own medicinal herbs to heal yourself or plant healthy vegetables to nourish your body, it is helpful to look at the current zodiac sign of the moon and the moon phase.
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This can make your seedlings and plants grow faster, bigger and more lush, bringing abundance to your garden.
The moon moves through each zodiac sign within roughly 2.5 days. Each of the zodiac signs is either a Fire, Earth, Air or Water sign. These four elements are also related to the different parts of a plant.
Therefore, every time the moon moves through an Earth sign (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) it is very beneficial to seed, plant or harvest root vegetables ( such as carrots, beetroots, celeriac) and herbs where the root is used (such as valerian, echinacea, goldenseal).
When the moon moves through a Water sign (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) the plants and herbs where we utilize the leaves and stems are benefitting immensely. So it is good to seed, plant or harvest vegetables, such as lettuce, spinach and swiss chard and herbs such as peppermint, sage, sweet wormwood and many more.
The moon moves through an Air sign (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) and it benefits those plants where our main goal is to harvest the flowers. At this time, think about seeding, planting or harvesting plants, such as nasturtium, lavender, calendula or borage.
So, the moon moves through one of the Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) and this is helpful for plants that you grow for their fruits. These are tomatoes, beans, apples and berries for example. ✅ You can look at MoonX 📱to check where the moon is at the moment and in the following months or have a look at a biodynamic calendar from your area. And there is more, you can also plant, water and harvest your herbs and vegetables depending on the moon phase for further benefits. When the moon is moving from the new moon to the full moon phase, the growing energy from the moon pulls water and energy upwards, so the plants' upper parts, such as leaves, flowers and fruit will grow better and Germination is improved as well. In this time it is also favourable to water. If you want juicy fruits and leaves in their prime strive to harvest them right before the full moon. Medicinal herbs also benefit from the full moon energy, since the essential oils tend to be at their strongest during that time. After this, the moon moves back towards the new moon phase and the water and energy moves downwards. This is beneficial for the plant parts below the earth, such as roots and rhizomes. If you want to plant root vegetables or want to foster a strong root system in your perennials, trees, strawberries or other plants, this is a good time. It is also great to weed and mulch your plants during this time. One general advice, this is a guide that is beneficial to follow. But if your plants urgently need transplanting or watering don’t stress about doing it, even if it is not the perfect time according to the moon. Happy Gardening! 🌿🌙


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