A New Perspective on Angels

Traditionally, angels are depicted as human-like beings with wings. However, this deck offers practitioners a fresh understanding of angels as embodiments of profound philosophical and spiritual concepts. These concepts encourage deep introspection and exploration of the meaning of existence.
The deck’s creator, Peter Mohrbacher, shares that the inspiration for Angelarium came from the names of angels. In 2005, he discovered that thousands of angels with unique names existed across various mythologies. This discovery became an obsession, shaping Peter's life and creative endeavors. Angelarium has since become an integral part of his artistic journey, influencing him daily. The name “Angelarium” has become synonymous with surreal angelic figures. The support and inspiration from fans continue to drive Peter to design new creations. Today, Angelarium thrives as an independent project, merging character design, game design, and creative artistry. The community actively collaborates with the creator, and the website features interpretations of angels by other artists.
Stunning Illustrations: The cards inspire spiritual reflection through breathtaking art. In-Depth Exploration of Angelic Mythology: The deck incorporates Kabbalistic symbols and ancient traditions. Advanced Concepts: Best suited for experienced practitioners seeking to deepen their understanding of metaphysical and spiritual structures.
The deck contains 33 cards, each rich with unique symbolism and meaning. It is divided into two main groups: - 22 Cards: Represent the emanations of the Tree of Sefirot, highlighting key aspects of creation and spiritual evolution. - 11 Cards: Depict angels as carriers of energy that connect the earthly and divine realms.
To gain the most insightful readings, focus on questions about personal growth, connections with the world, and understanding reality's deeper truths. Sample questions: “What energy should I embody at this stage of my life?” “How can I strengthen my connection with the divine?” “What lessons does my current situation hold?” This deck is less suited for yes/no questions or predictive readings, as its purpose is more about exploring meaning than forecasting events.
While the deck’s depth is remarkable, the guidebook could offer more detailed interpretations, sample spreads, and advice for beginners. These additions would make it more accessible for those new to its intricate concepts.
When I first used the Angelarium deck, I sought to understand a situation on a deeper level. I drew the Dumah, Angel of Dreams card. Initially, I thought it represented imagination and creativity—a positive, dreamlike energy. As I reflected further, I realized its message was more profound. Dumah challenges us to see dreams as reflections of doubt about perceived reality. It prompts us to question what is real and what may be illusion. This card encouraged me to examine my situation with greater clarity and awareness, pushing me to identify areas where I might be misinterpreting the truth or living in illusion. While the card seemed positive at first glance, it ultimately revealed hidden truths, urging deeper introspection. This experience highlighted the deck's ability to uncover layers of meaning and insight.
Though some view this deck as more of an artistic masterpiece than a practical tool for readings, I find it uniquely compelling. Its profound symbolism and captivating visuals continually draw me in, motivating me to explore its meanings on a deeper level. The Angelarium deck offers a transformative experience for those willing to engage with its complexity and depth.


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