MoonX News

First and foremost, we want to express our gratitude for your engagement and enthusiasm in the Lunar Cycle Challenge. We've read all the inspiring stories and comments, and your participation has truly warmed our hearts.
It's a curious twist of fate that this bug emerged on the New Moon, adding an unexpected challenge to our work. Just as the Moon cycles through phases, we are confident that this challenge will pass, and the result will be a stronger and more delightful Lunar Cycle Challenge for all.
At this moment, we are aware of a technical issue affecting the Lunar Cycle Challenge feature. Our dedicated team is actively working around the clock to address this bug and bring back full functionality.
As we continue to work diligently on resolving the technical issue impacting the challenge, we want to encourage you to keep your enthusiasm alive. If you come across any assignments, please complete them separately, and feel free to share your thoughts and experiences in the notes section. Your insights and contributions are invaluable, and they enrich the challenge for everyone.
P.S.: The 7th house program has already been updated, and we have now given more attention to single people.

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