MoonX News
Greetings, Moonlovers! We're excited to announce a major update to the MoonX app. Discover what's new:
Explore what the Moon looks like in the sky from Sydney to New York City. Each week, we'll show the best Moon of the week photo on the app's home screen.
You'll find a banner on the main screen that reminds you of the importance of gratitude. And right there, you can share your kind words with the MoonX community.
- Get notified instantly: receive push notifications every time somebody likes or replies to your comments.
- Bug fixes and UX/UI improvements
So, dive in, explore the Moon, and let the new features guide you towards deeper cosmic insights. Thank you for being a part of our MoonX community — here's to many more enlightening adventures together!
Discover more fascinating insights and stay updated on all lunar events in the MoonX app.
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