End of Mercury Retrograde
As we say goodbye to the Mercury retrograde period, let's share our experiences. Did anyone feel its impact? For those who received electronics bought during Mercury retrograde for holidays, how are they functioning?
We often hear about the frustrations of Mercury retrograde – like malfunctioning gadgets, website glitches, and delays in plans. But remember, these are just minor setbacks. If we encounter any, it’s a chance to learn to respond calmly to life’s little hiccups. ✨
But let's not forget, Mercury retrograde has its upsides too! For instance, this last retrograde coincided with the year’s end, the time many of us reflect on the past year’s highs and lows. Mercury in retrograde can actually deepen our reflections, helping us to look back with more insight. Pretty useful, right? 🎁
Plus, with Mercury in Sagittarius for the next two weeks, we can expect an extra boost of optimism. Let’s harness this positive energy to bring our end-of-year plans to life.
Optimism, belief, and progress – here's to making 2024 a fantastic year for us all!
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