Weekly Astrology Forecast
The theme of the first week of the astronomical year is our feelings and emotions. Get ready for a fascinating emotional journey - when we don't hear our mind, rely on our feelings and get absorbed by them, something unexpected is sure to lie ahead. Sometimes we can allow ourselves to dive into emotion, can't we?
Our feelings and emotions become especially profound. Of course, this will be reflected in romantic relationships. You will be a magnet for others and will be able to influence your romantic partners.\n\nThe emotional state will help you better immerse yourself in the realm of art and creativity. Go to a theater, exhibition or cinema - the perception of the artwork can exist on various levels.
Yesterday's creative wave is supported by the sextile between Neptune and Mercury, which makes our thinking more imaginative and intuitive. We are able to see the actual forest behind the trees and express our ideas in a beautiful and accessible way. This is an auspicious time to practice psychology and creativity.
Venus moves into Aquarius sign and gives us resourcefulness in relationship and finance spheres. During this period we concentrate on our feelings, for they are intense and exciting. This time is favorable to:\n\n-strengthen your romantic relationships through finding shared hobbies and interesting pastimes;\n\n- earn from implementing creative or high-tech ideas;\n\n- participate in creative projects with like-minded people and friends;\n\n- flirting. If you want to build a long-term relationship, look for someone with common interests.\n\n- try new dishes and to make gastronomic experiments; \n\n-be creative;\n\n- seek new sensations and emotions.
Take the opportunity during the transiting sextile between Jupiter and Venus to do something that can increase your popularity and credibility. This day can bring us good luck and pleasant opportunities. Luck will especially be waiting for us in matters related to partner relations and public events.
Get ready to write down your ideas today. Inspiration, fresh ideas, free creative thoughts will visit you at the most unexpected moments. A great time to have a creative brainstorming session with colleagues or just spend time with like-minded people exchanging thoughts with them.
Perhaps we should stock up on herbal tea and a set of favorite meditations. Venus in Aquarius has already stirred up our senses, and on a particularly emotional Full Moon in Cancer, we can release all our emotions. We'll have to try and make sure that this release is as environmentally friendly as possible, and doesn't hurt our loved ones! We become vulnerable and sensitive. We may want only one thing: to be with our loved ones under a cozy blanket while watching our favorite movie with a mug of tea in our hands.
We tend to express our opinions and convince others more confidently. It's a good time to show off your intellectual abilities, enjoy talking to erudite people. In spite of the excellent aspect that affects the ability to persuade and negotiate, refrain from signing any documents - Mercury is still in its retrograde phase.

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